DATE: 19th May, 2012
Objectives: Counselling, Material and Moral support to the children.
Report on Activity:
The ladies assembled at the school campus at 3:pm .Welcoming the ladies the Director of the institute Mr.Njie Ewumbwe in his welcome speech was delighted to have the ladies in their midst. He added that even though the society regards the children as mal-adjusted, hardly do they have such philanthropic gesture. He called on other philanthropic groups to emulate the example of the DIVAS ladies given that they need love and support.
The vice president of DIVAS Mrs.Tatsi Y vette, promised their continuous support each time the need arises. She advised the children to respect their teachers, so they can learn from them and become better persons in society.
The children entertained the group with drama, singing, dancing and debates conveying the message that they are not misfit as the society things.
The foodstuff provided to the children was to enable them grow healthy, while the toiletries were to keep the school environment clean, and prevent the children from infections.
Morally, the drama staged, the singing and dancing raised the spirits of the children and left them quite happy. The interaction of the ladies and the children made them feel the sense of belonging and been