Mindful  of law N° 99/014 of 22/12/1999 relating to the creation of a Non-Governmental Organisation and law N° 92/006 of 14/08/1992 relating to the freedom of Association and decree N° 92/455/PM of 23/11/1992 regulating and governing public meetings and procedure and

  • Desirous of a need to form a Non-Governmental Organisation
  • Conscious of the benefits to be derived from such a Non-Governmental Organisation;
  • Conscious of the benefits such an investment group can bring to the members and the community;
  • We Cameroonian ladies have decided to submit ourselves into a non-Governmental organisation
  • It shall however remain established that all activities of this association and the working shall be in accordance to the constitution and as such it shall remain the legislative and judicial arm of the organization.
  • All members shall have equal rights and obligations.
  • The privacy of the organization shall however remain inviolate. No interference shall be allowed except by virtue of decision emanating from the founders of the organization.
  • We therefore call on all the members to pledge their loyalty and respect to this arm. This shall be the only document to control all the affairs of the association both internally and externally

The idea emanated in November  2005 from 5 ladies who saw the need to form a social Investment group for a common interest. Initially, they considered activities that involved periodic relaxation, stress management and outreach.

A few years later, membership had increased to 9 and the 9 ladies seriously considered getting involved with philanthropic work. They constituted themselves and formed a CIG which was registered on June 11 2007 with registration number SW/GP/29/07/6036. As of 24 October 2011, DIVAS is now registered as an ASSOCIATION in conformity with ARTICLE 7 of LAW number 90/053 of 19/12/90.

The interest in philanthropy increased with membership which meant additional funds. The number of outreach activities increased, the ladies got more involved with the pain and suffering of underprivileged children. Then the reflection of the wise saying ”teach a kid to catch fish than give the kid fish”.

In 2008 the DIVAS sponsorship program was born. This is geared towards providing moral, material and financial support to underprivileged children with special emphasis in educating thegirl child.

The Name DIVAS is an acronym that represents:

D: Devoted, to a noble course

I: Impetus , encourage efforts and progress

V: Vibrate, full of Life and energy

A: Altruistic , putting the needs and happiness of others first

S: Sisterhood , members share the same interest

Who are we?

The Devoted inspired vibrant altruistic sister (DIVAS), is comprised of a group of ladies aimed at philanthropic work. The DIVAS constitute a sponsorship program geared towards providing moral, material and financial support to underprivileged children with special emphasis in educating the girl child. They go by the wise saying ‘teach a child to catch a fish than give the child fish’